Shreveport Girl Writes Letter Asking Santa Claus to Get Her Mom a Boyfriend
We have shared some letters to Santa from some local children, but this one has to be the best (so far). It's from a little girl named Alyssa. She asks Santa to find a boyfriend for her Mom. We started wondering what are some of the most unusual things children write to Santa about. I know several youngsters who would like to have their military Mom or Dad home for Christmas. I really hope some of those wishes come true. I sure do know how tough it is to have a loved one away at Christmas. This will be my first Christmas without both of my boys here to celebrate. My oldest son is in the Marines and is stationed in Hawaii. He recently made a two week trip home, so he won't be home for Christmas this year.
What Happens to all the letters to Santa?
The United States Post Office sorts all of these letters and has elves that will answer the letters. But it's important to be sure your child puts a return address on the letters. The Postal Service’s Letters to Santa program is 101 years old this year and your child will get a letter back from Santa.
- Hundreds of thousands of children of all ages send letters to “Santa Claus, North Pole, Alaska.”
- Unless these letters contain a complete Alaska address, they remain in the area they were mailed.
- Postal “elves” go through the letters and separate those that express serious need.
Do your children has any special requests of Santa? We would love to hear them.