Louisiana Man Arrested for Assault After Someone Insults His Dance Moves
I'm not sure what you've heard, but I can dance. But, if you don't happen to like the way I pop and/or lock it - I promise not to fly into a rage and assault you.
The same cannot be said for the gentleman in the picture above. That is 34 year old Cole Rodriguez of Raceland Louisiana. According to the Advocate, he was arrested over the weekend, and charged with domestic battery and battery of a police officer. The incident stems from a stint a local bar where Cole and an on-again off-again romantic interest were drinking (yes, alcohol was involved). When Mr. Rodriguez tried to show her how to Dougie, his date allegedly started throwing mad shade.
Not one to let this injustice continue, Cole turned to the violence in order to defend his moves. When the dust settled and bar patrons separated the two and police showed up, Cole did not take the proverbial "chill pill." Mr. Rodriguez flipped out and yelled slurs to the officers who took him into custody. To top all of this, he also kicked and spit "bloody saliva" at officers. He has been booked into the Lafourche Parish Detention Center on a $7,500 bond.