Here’s How to Pick the Perfect Watermelon – 8 Things to Look For
Louisiana residents don't need a calendar to tell them when it's summertime. There are a lot of ways to tell without consulting any device developed to measure time. In Louisiana, we know it's summer when the mosquitoes start buzzing around our rooms at night.
We know it's summer when we start scalding the backs of our legs climbing into car seats that have been left to bake in the sun. And, we know it's summer when the produce departments of our local grocery stores and farmer's markets start filling up with watermelons.
Okay, there is also the dripping of sweat and the need to change clothes after walking down the driveway to get the mail, that's another sign of summer too. But the watermelons are one that we actually look forward to.
How Much Booze Does it Take to Spike a Watermelon?
Well, that is going to depend on a couple of factors. The size of your melon and the kind of booze you intend to use. Just to give you an idea of how the spiking process works you basically are cutting a hole in the rind of the melon and then pouring the alcohol in to be absorbed by the fleshy goodness of the melon itself.
For a better mix of booze in the melon we suggest that you use a "Cajun Injector" style syringe. This way the booze gets deep in the melon and you won't have as many pure liquor pockets. For a standard-size melon, you know a two to three-pounder, you can use a pint of vodka. That will serve 8 to 10 people or two Cajuns.
Should You Put Salt on Your Watermelon?
There's a real crowd-splitting question. The concept of salt on watermelons is embraced by many people in Louisiana. The sprinkling of salt is said to enhance the natural sweetness of the melon. But, I for one, see no need to add salt because I know how to pick out the sweetest melons of the bunch.
And in just a few moments you'll know everything you need to know to make the same sweet melon choices as me. All it takes is your powers of observation, your sense of smell, and you might need to do a little heavy lifting. But in the end, you'll get a sweet melon to enjoy as you see fit. With or without booze and with or without salt.
8 Easy Tricks to Picking the Sweetest Watermelons
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