24 Children in Texas Went Missing In November, Have You Seen Them?

Last month the holiday season kicked off. Families gathered together for Thanksgiving, Christmas shopping began, and of course for those in school, they were eagerly awaiting different breaks in the calendar.
But not all families were able to gather happily together. Not all kids were able to enjoy Thanksgiving with family and friends. In November, at least 24 kids went missing in Texas according to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. We all know this is a parent's worst nightmare. But you can help.
Below, you will see a gallery of pictures of missing children from November of 2023. The children in the gallery are still listed as missing according to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children as of today. Our hope is that all the children who are listed as missing will find their way back home. The kids that went missing last month are from all over Texas.
Please take some time to look at the pictures below and see if you recognize any of the faces or names. As you're looking through these photos, if you do recognize one of the missing children and have any information concerning their current whereabouts where they may be going, call 911 or the NCMEC's phone number at 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678). Together, we can help these children get back to the safety and security of their family and loved ones.
24 Children in Texas Went Missing In November, Have You Seen Them?
Gallery Credit: Chad Hasty
38 Children In Texas Went Missing In October, Have You Seen Them?
Gallery Credit: Chad Hasty
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Gallery Credit: Chad Hasty