Seems like there's always a drone stories these days. Whether it's mysterious drones flying over the northeastern United States, drones being reported near military installations, or people reporting that drones are spying on them.

But this is a story that hasn't been getting as much attention as it should be. Especially since it keeps happening over and over. In the


This amazing story comes from Grant Parish Louisiana, where the same prison has had multiple instances of the same crime being committed. Which people keep getting arrested for, over and over. Its actually something experts have warned about for years, and their predictions are actually playing out.

At Pollock Federal Prison in Grant Parish Louisiana, suspects are accused of flying drones over the walls to drop off illegal items. Drugs, tobacco, cell phones, vape pens, and even a gun were all recovered from a drone used in one of these drops. The Town Talk reports the value of the tobacco recovered during a 2024 arrest was over $30,000, and marijuana discovered with the drone were valued at over $8,000.

But that wasn't the first, or last, drone drop at the Pollock Federal Prison in Grant Parish.

Back in 2023, a Grant Parish Sheriff's Deputy pulled a vehicle over near Pollock Federal Prison, and uncovered plans and materials to fly a drone into the prison to drop contraband. Two people were arrested during that investigation.

Then this week, the Grant Parish Sheriff's Office announced they have arrested 5 more people in connection to a drone-drop scheme. They had help from the Rapides Parish Area Drug Enforcement team to arrest Luis Alberto Aparcio-Portillo, Roberto Mendez, Amy Portillo, Edwin Portillo, and Laura Martinez. The list of charges the group face includes Distribution of Marijuana, Taking Contraband into a Penal Institution, Criminal Conspiracy, Accessory After the Fact, and Criminal Trespassing

So that's 2 people arrested in 2023, 2 people arrested in 2024, and now 5 people arrested in 2025, ALL at the Pollock Federal Prison in Grant Parish, and ALL for the same thing.

States of Violence: Violent Crime Per 100,000 Ranking by State

The DeMayo Law Office recently combed through the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Crime Data Explorer to determine which state had the most violent crime over five years (2018 - 2022.) Here's the complete list, counting down to the most violent state in America.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

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