If cotton candy was a bug, it would be the woolly aphid.

HowToLou via YouTube
HowToLou via YouTube

In 2021, I wrote a story about these guys. There was quite an infestation going on in September and October of that year, and I wanted to know more about them. Plus, the COVID pandemic was still going strong, so what else was I going to do?


website from Texas A&M gives the scoop on the Woolly Aphids.  They usually flourish in rather dry conditions. We've had a rather wet summer, but August was rather dry, so maybe that got them jump-started.

The One Thing to Avoid Concerning Woolly Aphids

If you see quite of few of these white fluffy fellows flying around, and there are trees nearby, DO NOT stand under those trees for a while, and DO NOT keep anything of value below those trees...like a vehicle.

These aphids are sap eaters and they produce a sticky excrement called 'honeydew'.

Do Not Confuse This Honeydew with the Delicious Melons

If you stand underneath a flock of these guys for a while, you may wonder why it feels like the top of your head has taken a trip back to the 1980s with a hair full of Aqua Net.

I was walking on a trail recently and wondered why leaves started sticking to my shoes...it was due to the honeydew poop.

And, heaven forbid that you park a car under a tree with a crowd of those critters, it could cause a worse outcome than parking under a gathering of grackles.

How Long Will These Snowflakes With Wings Stick Around?

Probably not much longer. Usually, wetter weather drives them away, and we've had some rainy days of late. Plus, back in 2021, I don't remember them hanging around past Halloween.



Warning! Five Dangerous Food Ingredients Still On Texas Shelves

Banned in other counties, and now banned in California, these potentially dangerous food additives have been shown to cause cancer, ADHD, and more adverse effects.

Gallery Credit: Renee Raven

BUSTED: Most Commonly Stolen Items From Texas Wal-Mart Stores

Some folks get sticky fingers when they walk into Texas Wal-Mart stores. Wal-Mart is the largest retailer in the U.S. and has to constantly adapt to "shrinkage," that is, theft.

Gallery Credit: Renee Raven


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