Caddo Sheriff Steve Prator Says Governor’s Office Is Lying
Caddo Parish Sheriff Steve Prator admits there is a feud between himself and the Governor over the Criminal Justice Reinvestment Act. The Sheriff believes the Governor has the cart before the horse focusing on the criminals and early releases and lower sentences before putting programs in place.
Well now, this feud has ratcheted up a bit as the Governor says no to appointing the Sheriff's wife, Carolyn Prator to a spot on the Red River Waterway Commission. Prator says this is retaliation by the Governor because Prator has been speaking out against the criminal justice reform efforts.
We talked to the Sheriff about this feud and the weekend break-in on his propoerty by a repeat offender.
The Governor's Office says Carolyn Prator did not get her nomination documents submitted within the 30 day window, as required. But KEEL News has been provided with documents indicating all of the paperwork was submitted inside the deadline dates. We have asked for further clarification from the Governor's Office, but have not heard back from them yet.