Former Jailer Arrested for Sexual Contact With Juveniles
Bossier Sheriff Julian Whittington says a former corrections officer at the Bossier Parish Correctional Facilities has been arrested for sexual contact with juveniles.
Nathan McKnight, 23, of Bossier City, surrendered at the Bossier Maximum Security Facility around noon Friday on arrest warrant charges of Indecent Behavior with a Juvenile and Attempted Indecent Behavior with a Juvenile. Two days earlier on Wednesday, Sheriff Whittington terminated his employment with the Bossier Sheriff’s Office. McKnight was booked on a $150,000 bond.
The arrestee was a former corrections officer, which means he served similar to that of a jailer and was not a commissioned deputy. The crimes took place off duty with two separate juvenile victims. If convicted, McKnight could face serious jail time, and upon release will be subject to sex offender laws, and will have to register for the rest of his life.
It's known that the majority of people are calling for harsher sentences for sex offenders. Namely those who offend against children. Some of these sex offenders depending on the "severity" of their crimes, have spent as little as one month behind bars. Keeping up with all offenders on the Sex Offender registry can be difficult, and a re-thinking of how we deal with offenders is desperately needed.
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