Danny Gallagher is a freelance writer, reporter, humorist and all around nice guy living in Texas who is a regular contributor to TheFW and has also contributed features, essays and stories to Maxim, GameTrailers, Aol, TruTV's "Dumb As a Blog," Cracked, Mental Floss, CBS' "Mancave Daily and Spike. He also likes puppies and cookies. He can be found on the web at www.dannygallagher.net and on Twitter @thisisdannyg.
Danny Gallagher
Discovery Channel Fires ‘Dirty Jobs’
One of the Discovery Channel's longest and dirtiest series will apply for its last job this season.
School Won’t Let Student Grow a Mustache for Charity
It's always nice to see kids doing something to raise awareness or money to help their fellow man. Apparently, one school in Bedforshire, England doesn't feel the same way.
Dorothy’s Dress from ‘The Wizard of Oz’ Goes Up for Auction
Halloween is just around the corner. So if you don't have a costume yet and $500,000 to spare, we've got one that's sure to have everyone at your party talking about you. That's also assuming that it's in your size.