Dan Seitz

Disgruntled Employee Destroys Boss’ Office With Bulldozer
We get it. There are many times where we’ve wanted to trash the boss’ office. But that’s not a good idea for your continued employment or for workplace relations. And if you use a bulldozer to do it, your arrest record.

9-Year-Old Boy Steals Car with Toy Gun
We don’t generally associate Sweden with carjacking. But Kortedala, a suburb of the city of Gotenberg, was nonetheless the site of one of the strangest car thefts we’ve ever read. It involves a toy gun, a nine-year-old and an electric car.

Rodney King Dead at 47
Rodney King, the man videotaped being beaten by LAPD officers in 1991, has died today. He was 47.

3-Year-Old Genius Is Still Just a Kid
Many parents insist their child is a genius. Emmelyn Roetteger, however, has the paperwork to prove it. She scored a 135 on an IQ test, and was thus accepted into MENSA.
She is, on the other hand, still a toddler, as this bit from the Today Show shows us.

Drunk Driver Had Monkey In His Truck
Any police officer will tell you that dealing with a drunk driver can be extremely strange. After all, drunk people aren’t noted for their calm, reasonable reactions to a stressful situation, or their refusal to engage in ridiculous hijinks. Still, one drunk driver might take the cake, considering that he had a monkey for the officers.

Check Out New “Dark Knight Rises” Trailer
The biggest movie of the summer just released its final trailer ahead of “The Avengers” hitting theaters. You’ll find it, and some speculation, under the cut.

Facebook Rats Out Man With Two Wives
Sadly, he did not live in St. Ives, but Alan O’Neill did, in fact, have two wives. The really sad thing, though, is that it wasn’t because he was cheating. He had two wives because he was lazy and passive aggressive.

Whitney Houston Dead at 48
Whitney Houston, the only artist to ever have seven consecutive #1 hits on the Billboard Hot 100, died tonight, according to a statement from her representative. She was 48.