Cameron Simcik is a graduate of Bucknell University. She has written for Her Campus and is currently the Philadelphia Travel City Editor for The Daily Meal and a contributing writer for TheFW and GuySpeed.
Cameron Simcik
Chinese Use Naked Women to Sell Cars, Proving That They’re Geniuses
Woman can make anything look good. This is particularly true when said women are either displaying their rack loudly and proudly, or just plain nude. Remember when Coco made Hurricane Sandy look awesome? We rest our case. These days, the Chinese are jumping on the bandwagon, using babes of the naked variety to sell cars. We can't believe it took this long for them to finally respond to our letter-
How Are People Celebrating the Winter Solstice?
Happy December 21st, ladies and gents! It's a fine, fine day due to three very important factors-- the world hasn't ended yet and it's Friday. Jackpot! What makes today even greater though is that it's the Winter Solstice, AKA the time when days finally start getting longer. It's exciting, trust us.
Amusement Park Visitors Get Stranded for Hours
What’s not to love about a California amusement park called Knott’s Berry Farms? With such a magical-sounding name, we can’t imagine things could ever go awry. But then again, we’re sucked in by almost anything even remotely charming.
Unfortunately, Knott’s Berry Farms has let us down.
The 10 People You’ll Find in Every Coffee Shop
Coffee shops are entertainment hot spots. These places are chock-full of prime people-watching opportunities, because they're not just for strict coffee-lovers anymore. Nowadays, we can get everything from mocha marble whatcha-ma-call-it lattes to chocolate-banana smoothie deliciousness at cafes, meaning all sorts of people make their way through coffee shops on a daily basis.